Ideas for Show and Tell for a Kindergarten two kid
Thing: Calendar
1. This is a calendar.
2. We learn all about day, date, month, and year from the calendar.
3. Blue coloured days are school holidays.
4. Days coloured in pink are public holidays.
5. My father users the calender to plan for holidays
Thing: Alarm Clock
1. This is an alarm clock.
2. Alarm Clock helps to wake me up early in the morning.
3. During day time we use this as a clock to show time.
4. It has a long hand, a short hand and a second hand.
5. Long hand tells us the minute, Short hand tells us the hour and the seconds hand tells us about the second.
6. The time now is ""(whatever the clock is showing at that time).
Thing: ToothPaste/ToothBrush
1. This is a toothpaste and a tooth brush.
2. We need to brush our teeth daily to keep ourselves healthy
3. We should learn to use this tooth brush properly from a dentist.
4. I brush two times daily and I feel good about it.
5. Tooth brush is made of plastic and it has bristels on it which helps to clean our teeth in an out.
6. We should always use soft type of tooth brush because hard type will hurt your teeth.
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