'The eyes are the openings to the liver. People who suffer from eye problems usually suffer from liver disorders and vice-versa. As anger is a symptom of liver dysfunction in Taoist theory, people who use their eyes too much may become angry. The Internal Exercises for the eyes will strengthen both the eyes and the liver and help such serious disorders as cataracts, astigmatism, nearsightedness, glaucoma, and liver problems.
The eyes, specifically their movements, are indicative of an individual's intelligence. People who are clever have large eye movements and are always exploring their environment. Slow eye movement or a lack of eye movement indicates a repressed level of intelligence, which may also be helped through stimulation of the eyes.
Poor blood circulation, indicated by dark circles under the eyes, can also be helped by doing the Eye Exercises. Poor blood circulation results from long periods of inactivity, such as those spent in front of a television set.
Often the first signs of sluggish circulation are chilly sensations, which result when the body temperature rises above room temperature, causing the surroundings to be cooler than the body. Like car engines, our bodies need cool liquids to circulate through them and remove heat. H circulation is sluggish, body temperature goes up. Then the blood ..boils", forms skins, and forms clots. So in order to prevent blood clots, the Eye and other Internal Exercises should be done, especially when television is being watched.
Doing the Eye Exercise can also help bags or puffiness under the eyes which indicate water retention or bad metabolism.
I. Place thumbs on rim of the eye sockets at the upper inside corner of the eyes. There is a slight depression in the bone at the correct point. Those points are designated by the letter A in figure 55a. Press in deeply. Any pain indicates some blockage. Then massage the points for a count of 10. Release. Repeat for a total of 3 times
2. Next, place index fingers in the small depressions at the middle of the lower eye sockets-points designated by B. Press in deeply on the rims, not cheekbones. Massage for a count of 10. Release. Then repeat for a total of 3 times.
3. Then, place index fingers on lower eye socket 1/4 of the distance from outside comers of the eyes. (Look for letter C in figure 55d.) Press and massage for a count of 10. Release. Repeat for a total of 3 times.
4. Place middle fingers on top of eye sockets about 1/3of the distance from the outside comers of the eyes. (Look for letter D.) Press and massage for a count of 10. Release. Repeat for a total of 3 times.
5. Place middle fingers on the temples by coming out from the end of the eyebrows and locating soft depressions on the sides of the head (point E). Press and massage for a count of 10. Release. Repeat for a total of 3 times.
6. Palming. Rub hands together briskly until they are quite wann. Cup the hands over both eyes, fingers slightly crossed, right over left. Do not press the eyes. Hold for a count of 10. Then repeat for a total of 3 times, always feeling the wannth entering into the eyes from the hands.
7. Then rub eyes lightly with three middle fingers. Rub the bones around the eyes in a circular motion, starting from the inside comer of each eye next to the nose. Rub up the bridge of the nose, across the eyebrows, towards the temples, down and back around the lower rims ofthe eye sockets to the nose again. Do this 10 times. Pause. Repeat for a total of 3 cycles.
NOTE A: Rubbing in the opposite direction will weaken the eye muscles and cause wrinkles to appear. Always use a natural, heal ing cream as a lubricant.
NOTE B: For cataract or glaucoma, practice the first seven eye
exercises up to 20 minutes daily. Whenever your eyes are tired, do the Eye Exercises, as they will completely revitalize your entire body in minutes. It is also good to do them in conjunction with exercises which strengthen the liver.
NOTE C:Once you have located the painful points, it is not necessary to continue pressing hard on these points. When you are doing the Eye Exereises,even a very light touching of the points will accomplish the purpose of the exercise, which is to restore nonnal vision. NOTED: Use the first two points (A and B) for diagnosis. If it is painful at all when you press in deeply, then there is something wrong with the eyes and/or body. If it is puffy or dark under point B, water retention or lack of proper rest is indicated.
One may also practice additional exercises which will strengthen the eyes and the muscles surrounding them.
1. Begin by keeping the head straight, but with the eyes first looking up toward the ceiling and then down at the floor. Repeat this motion several times. The eyes should always move slowly and with deliber ation.
2. Next, look to either side of the head.
3. Then look up and down into the opposite comers of the eyes.
4. Then rotate the eyes frrst in a clockwise direction, then in a counterelockwise direction. This will take about ten minutes to per fonn when done slowly.
5. Always follow these eye movements with a rubbing of the hands and a pressing of the palms onto the eyes to bring heat and energy into them.
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